Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Its been a while!

I apologize for neglecting my blog. I have been busy with some photo edits, research and event booking. I also registered for another conference in May that is only for a night (as opposed to the week in South Carolina this coming October). I am pretty excited, its basically a training on how to set up and or revamp your photography business. Im happy to be finding so much support and training! I thought i had to rely on google searches! Dont get me wrong, I love google, but sometimes its just not enough. Interaction and personal networking are the best! I'm looking forward to it! In the next few months I'll be preparing for a string of weddings. Some perspective clients, but a total of 3 weddings booked so far this year, and I always have time for some personal portrait sessions!

A photograph is like a recipe- a memory the finished dish. - Carrie Latet

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh Tuesday~Some thoughts that crossed my mind

Good News everyone! Im in the midst of creating a great thing for both myself and you as my clients~ If you want to know all about it, and take advantage of an awesome deal, email me your home address and I will mail you the special deal via postcard ASAP! Email me at Soon!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Monday....

I have my official PSA membership certificate now, a fabulous small business insurance policy on the way to my mailbox, updated website , catalog halfway done....Now, to get some warm weather here so that people can have their outdoor photos! Keep checking back for the website updates, and check here for daily happenings! The new business cards should be coming soon! Woo hoo! Off to check out some merhandise~ Cant wait to take some photos tomorrow!

In photography there is a reality so subtle that it beomes more real than reality - Alfred Stieglitz

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Its the weekend!

So, after a busy week, its finally the weekend. I started creating a mock catalog last night. For the most part its finished. Its nothing fancy, and throughout the year i will probably add things to it. Album pricing will not be in this catalog yet since its a bit complicated and tough to explain. Albums will most likely be discussed in a consultation of some sort. But, I will probably start bringing a copy of this catalog to my photo shoots so people can order right away until i add a new order page to the website...if possible! The easiest way to order right now will just be from the catalog. Hopefully it's easy to follow and there arent too many questions! Later on is a photoshoot in Cambridge and then its home to edit!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What a Wednesday!

First off, its been a crazy busy week all around! But with my car being out of commission (although only for a short period of time thank god!), work, and trying to schedule in a few nights in to handle my studio management program...I had forgotten that I ordered my first professional print from the lab I had contacted. I honestly did not know what to expect quality wise, but I figured, It certainly cant hurt to have a test run! After a long work day today, and running a few errands, I got home to find a bunch of mail and a large package. I ordered this 16X20 print mounted on 1/2 thick foam board 7 days ago (very quick turn around time!) and immediately started shredding the tape on the outside of the box. of course I finally get it open, and there's a layer of packing paper in there....i had to dig out another smaller box like structure. It was two 16X20 pieces of cardboard wrapped in saran wrap. I tore open the saran wrap, and there was tape on the edges of those cardboard pieces. Inside those two pieces of cardboard, was a brown paper bag. And then I stopped. I got a bit nervous, and thought to myself- this is it. Im either going to love it, or be completely unimpressed. I reached in, grabbed the photo-board as i have been calling it, and slowly pulled it out of the packaging. When i tell you that my heart skipped a beat- I'm not exaggerating . My eyes got a bit teary and I immediately went to show both of my parents. Im pretty sure its safe to say that I was completely impressed with the job that they did at this company and I will continue to use them! I cant wait to bring it to show it off! I want to go to work NOW :-D